Embassy and Consulate of Panama
Embassy and General Consulate of Panama
The Embassy of Panama in Greece promotes the most important values and expressions of Panamanian culture and maintains close contact with the Panamanian community living in Greece. The aim of the Embassy is to strengthen the long-term and stable bilateral relations with Greece.
The Embassy offices provide consular assistance to Panamanian nationals in Greece, assist maritime professionals in matters related to the Panamanian Flag Registry and offer all corresponding commercial and consular services.
NUS Solutions for Business Applications
In order to support the reception that was organized by the Embassy of Panama on the occasion of Posidonia expedition, NUS Solutions created a custom application of contract management and event registration. The application was created by using the Microsoft Power Apps Platform. All the customers data was inserted into the platform and every single contact had a unique barcode -invitation for the event by e-mail.
NUS Solutions Marketing Automation
For the mass delivery of the invitations, NUS Solutions interconnected the custom application with the MailChimp platform. With the correct use of the platform, a complete customer journey was created for the management of the invitations reminders. During the reception of Posidonia, a native mobile application was used to scan all the unique QR codes that every guest had and in the end, we created a fully report with statistics about the attendance of the event.
NUS Solutions for System Infrastructure
To provide better service and the provision of the most modern collaboration and efficiency tools, NUS Solutions adopted the Microsoft 365 platform for the client. By leveraging all platform tools and capabilities, the day-to-day operations of the organization were improved and remote work issues were solved. Due to the nature of the object of the Embassy and Consulate General, all modern security techniques of the Microsoft 365 platform were utilized, so that company data and customer data are not at risk from external threats. In addition to ensuring the security of the Consulate and Embassy data, NUS Solutions installed Bitdefender’s solution for protection against malware, trojan and ransomware attacks on all terminals employed by the organization.