Nus Solutions

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Elevate your business and reduce costs with ease!

Unlock your business potential with Microsoft Dynamics 365 smart applications!

Organize processes and accelerate your sales!

Maximize sales and retain customers with Microsoft Dynamics 365 sales organization.

Automate your sales
and drive your growth. 

Empower data-driven decisions with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Analytics.

Unlock the power of AI for smart customer-opportunity forecasting.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Avoid miscommunication and create a Customer friendly experience! 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service

Automate daily work and increase your resources!
Microsoft field services

Improve and increase productivity of your employees.

Microsoft field services

Optimize the hybrid work model with the most modern collaboration tools! 

Microsoft field services

Give your employees the appropriate tools they need to get work done quickly and easily.

Microsoft field services

Use IoT applications and automate the major alerts notifications for important cases of your business!

analytics icon

Incorporate smart algorithms so that the routing would be faster and save time and money from the procedure of delivery.