Interactive Content Types enhance your audience’s involvement and interaction with your business, as well as the relationships you build.
We’ve already discussed in a previous article the importance of Content Marketing for modern businesses, and how you can create interesting and high-quality content to attract more audiences.
Interactive Content Types cannot be missing from this Marketing Strategy!
In this article you will find:
Let’s get to better know Interactive Content!
Interactive Content is about creating content that encourages your audience to actively participate in some way, rather than just being a passive recipient of information.
The communication you have with your audience becomes more active and personal, attracting interest. So not only do you improve the customer experience, but you also collect important information about your audience that helps you to get to know them better and offer them exactly what they are looking for.

Why is it important, however, to develop dynamic relationships with your audience?
Every day more and more businesses are operating and growing online. The goal to stand out among your competitors and make your presence felt in the vast online space becomes even more difficult. Therefore, you need to develop your Digital Marketing strategy very carefully and “smartly”.
The hard part is not to get people’s attention, but to keep it in the long run. That’s what you can achieve with the following Interactive Content Types!
10 Interactive Content Types: reach your audience interactively!
1. Q&As
Q&As (question and answer sessions) give your audience the opportunity to ask exactly what they want to know from you and get to know you better. It is the most direct way of interaction that brings you closer to your audience and adds a more intimate feel to your communication.
2. Tabs & Carousels
Keep content organized and easily accessible. People want to find what they’re looking for as quickly and simply as possible, with the simple click of a button. Give them that solution! Tabs and carousels are examples of Interactive Content Types that add convenience and interactivity to your content and make the user experience much more enjoyable.
3. Polls & Quizzes
People love quizzes and polls, which are some of the most engaging examples of Interactive Content Types on social media! In a HubSpot poll, 15% of consumers preferred to tap through Instagram Stories with quiz or poll features. In fact, it was the third most popular Story format. People like to share their personal thoughts and contribute to the conversation with their opinion. They’re also super easy to create, and you can find endless content. Ask your audience’s opinion and show that you care about it!
4. Infographics
If you want to communicate a large amount of information to your audience, avoid large and chaotic texts. Prefer to concentrate them in infographics, which are more visually appealing and transmit information in a concise and organized way. They combine aesthetically pleasing design with the most essential information and usually catch people’s attention.
5. Giveaways
Giveaways are one of the most excellent Interactive Content Types because they grab people’s attention and promote a positive image for your business. After all, who could refuse a gift? So, you’re not only targeting your existing audience, but also potential customers who are encouraged to enter the competition to win. The number of people you reach (without having to donate anything big) will surprise you!
6. Live Videos
Videos in all their forms have taken over the internet, which makes it necessary to adjust them to Interactive Content Types. According to a survey of MarketingCharts, 43% of consumers prefer interactive video content over other types of video. And we couldn’t choose something better than live videos! Broadcasting a live video allows viewers to get to know the human side of your business and the person behind it, make comments that you respond to directly and open a conversation with them. Live may feel stressful, especially if you’re not used to exposing yourself online, but surely after practice you’ll start to feel more comfortable and bring out the real you, which is exactly what your audience is seeking!
7. Reviews
Give people the opportunity to review your business in any medium. Reviews both increase your credibility and help you improve, as they show you what people think about you, as well as your strengths and weaknesses. In case of a positive review you can show gratitude to your audience and encourage them to prefer you again, while in case of a negative review, you can show your interest in improving and making up for any negative experience they had with you. Don’t skip reviews, value what people feel about you!
8. User- Generated Content
User-Generated Content refers to content that is created and published by internet users themselves, rather than created by you. You can simply motivate your audience to create content (you’ll get more feedback if you offer a little something in return), and then share or respond to it! Once they are motivated to actively participate in the content you produce, they will feel that they have the lead role, that they are involved and become creative.
9. Call-to-action
Add a call-to-action to every post. The point of Interactive Content Types is precisely to encourage people to take action, and you need to make that visible and immediate. A CTA is a powerful tool that creates two-way communication between your business and customers and increases the likelihood that people will take the desired action so you can boost your conversion rate.
10. Webinars & Academy
We left one of the most niche and challenging Interactive Content Types for the end. Online training is a powerful tool that engages the audience in the information process, making learning interactive and much more appealing. At the same time it increases the authority and expertise of your business, as it showcases your knowledge and skills. As the Content Marketing Institute states, 38% of agency experts help produce webinars for clients! Make sure the seminars/courses you deliver encourage audience engagement, two-way communication and collaboration to increase interaction with them.
Choose the one that suits you and start testing!
In Interactive Content Types, as in any other marketing strategy, there is no single formula that will bring success. Depending on your business goals, the people you are targeting and the style you want to keep, you judge the options available to you and settle on the one that best represents you. Also, what works well for you today may at some time bring the opposite results, as nothing is static. You need to stay tuned and adapt to constant changes.

Don’t be afraid to try different strategies and find out what works for you and what doesn’t. The possibilities that the internet offers you for Interactive Content Types are endless: dare, experiment and let the insights speak for themselves!
NUS Solutions brings your Inbound Marketing Strategy closer to the new era!
Don’t miss the opportunity to upgrade your online presence with Interactive Content Types. At NUS Solutions we can tailor our solutions to your every need and make your vision a reality! Contact us and let us guide you toward innovation!