
The procedure of Sales was never easier! Find final solutions that fit absolutely the needs of your Business! Increase your sales and integrate quickly and successfully the cycle of sales.
Talk to NUS Experts

Let's see together James' sales example
James owns a commercial company with industrial tools and systems for five years. After the foundation in his field and the approach of new customers, James has faced difficulties in the business sales cycle of his company.

Analyze the need

Communication with customers
The main problem of James was coordinating work and also his employees. Due to his workload, he often omits the dispatch of proposals to customers, causing the loss of essential opportunities.

Communication with Suppliers
In addition, due to delays occurring during communication with the suppliers, the wholesale prices differentiate and because of the essential delay in preparations of an offer, significant opportunities are lost.

Accounting Department Management
In parallel, James has noticed the existence of problems occurring in the internal procedures, like the accounting department not being informed in time for invoicing the customers, and everything delays the sales cycle, increasing the bounce rate of projects.

Personnel Management
Problems also occur in sales management. Communication with colleagues is difficult and the sales group does not coordinate on time. Reminders are skipped very often, and tasks are not completed most of the time.
In addition, James does not have direct access to accurate reports. As a result, James is not aware of the success rate in each new opportunity while salespeople do not have a clear target.

NUS has the Solution
At Nus Solutions we know digital transformation very well. We offer solutions according to your needs, utilizing the most modern tools for the digitalization of your business!

Ameliorate your Sales
Utilizing Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform, you can create a complete total cycle of sales by developing only one application!

By keeping their profile, they will be receiving notifications for the completed actions and will proceed with invoicing and reminders to customers. All these actions through one single platform!

James will have complete overall control, while he can check the progress of the projects through analytical reports from the platform. He will also know the route of the income and he will have the ability to take essential decisions for his business.

Do the needs of your business fit with those of James’?
Do not compromise with solutions that do not fit your business. Plan and adopt a solution at your size!
Level up your sales by choosing a complete package of services!

Digital Marketing will level up your sales!
Do you have an e-shop and you wish to approach new customers?

Decrease essentially the maintenance costs!
Guide your business to the new era, by transferring your infrastructure to cloud.