The truth is that Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform is a luxury for most SMBs.
The costs for the implementation as well as for the licenses needed are usually high for a company with small or medium sales turnovers. These companies are usually satisfied either with an incomplete CRM solution, which at first sounds economical, or with some custom implementation on their ERP system. Vendors, on the other hand, have been content with large projects and clients, leaving an important part of the Greek market out.
In this article we will see:
- Does an SMB need Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
- Vertical solutions for Dynamics 365
- Affordable Microsoft Dynamics CRM solutions for all businesses!
But does an SMB need Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
The answer clearly depends on the type and size of the business. In a more general context, however, the advantages of a Dynamics CRM solution over other CRM solutions are what can make a company stand out from its competition.
Advantages of Microsoft Dynamics 365 over other CRM solutions:
- As a Microsoft product it has more features than the competition and is by far the most complete CRM proposition (trust me, I know).
- It does not bind you to a custom CRM platform of a Vendor.
- Its 1st level parameterization is easy.
- There is plenty of documentation, both for Power-users and Admin-users.
- It can be easily connected to other collaboration tools in Office 365 and provide a more comprehensive solution to the company’s productivity.
- It has a wide range of Out of the box features.
Advantages of a Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution in relation to a CRM module or a custom ERP implementation:
- CRM solutions and especially Dynamics CRM tend to have an easier management environment than that of ERP.
- Excludes users who should not be logging into the ERP system to perform CRM functions, such as a Call Agent or a Marketing Assistant.
- In general, ERP systems are intended for accounting and invoicing, while CRM systems are for everything else! It is a mistake for platforms built for specific services to be used for everything. Simple and clear #no_more_CRM_in_ERP!
Vertical solutions for Dynamics 365
What is the downside to Microsoft Dynamics CRM? The only drawback of Dynamics CRM solutions remains the price of the licenses and the cost of configuration by the Vendors.
However, the solution is simple: Choose vertically integrated solutions for Business Industries from specialized Vendors. This way, the cost of implementing such a solution for your business will be significantly reduced!
Regarding licensing, there are now several options to follow in a CRM solution. If you are a vendor, stay tuned! A technical article about tips will follow soon, so you can significantly reduce licensing costs by making Dynamics CRM accessible to all your customers.
At NUS Solutions, through our vertically integrated solutions, specially designed for small and medium-sized businesses, we manage to reduce the implementation costs and the license model required, making Microsoft Dynamics CRM affordable for small and medium-sized businesses and more economical for large ones!
Are you searching for a way to save money from your Dynamics 365 licenses? Don’t miss our guide!
The goal of NUS Solutions is an affordable Microsoft Dynamics CRM for all businesses!
If your business belongs to the field of:
- Oil or Building Services
- Insurance services
- Warehouse
- Courier services
- Law office
- Accounting Office
Contact us and we will give you the right solution for the development of your business!
Soon you will find our solutions in the Dynamics 365 Marketplace!